WE KNOW medical office


Medical Office ​Condomium Experts

We are an innovative real estate advisory and ​investment company that combines data, ​intuition, and market intelligence to provide ​value for Buyer’s and Seller’s of Medical Office. ​Our approach involves collaboration, strategic ​planning, and effective deal-making.

Our Medical Office Services

Buyer Representation

Seller Representation

As healthcare real estate experts, we understand the ​nuances of finding the right space to fit with your clinical ​needs. We are here to be your collaborator and confidant ​through your journey. Our mission is to create value for ​your practice while building wealth through real estate ​ownership and appreciation.

Whether you are looking to monetize through a sale-​leaseback or simply liquidate your medical real estate ​holdings, we are experts in maximizing your market value. ​We maintain a roster of active commercial medical office ​buyers and have the marketing tools and expertise in-​house to best position your space for sale.

Mason popham

Executive Vice President

Thomas Park Commercial

E: mason.popham@thomas-park.com

T: 410.280.0220

Let’s Chat

1906 Towne Centre Blvd

Suite 270

(410) 280 - 0220
